
I made a /now page (thanks Derek Sivers). This is a fun way to keep folks informed of what’s happening in your personal and professional life. https://www.joshuawood.net/now
We added public status pages to Honeybadger! https://www.honeybadger.io/blog/public-status-pages/
I put together an extremely high-level guide on how to implement a webhooks feature with or without Hook Relay. It’s almost a specification maybe. We’ll flesh it out w/ deeper content in the near f...
"I love that you are keeping the customers’ interests first." ❤ https://twitter.com/stympy/status/1408132330863038465
I released a new Ruby gem called Heya. We use it to send smart onboarding emails at Honeybadger. “Heya 👋 is a campaign mailer for Rails. Think of it like ActionMailer, but for timed email sequences...
F*ck-That Money This post originally appeared on the Honeybadger Developer Blog I’ve met some hugely successful people. Some of them are happy. Some of them… aren’t. I’ve noticed some things about ...
For years, Honeybadger has supported client-side JavaScript and Node.js via two separate NPM packages: honeybadger-js (client-side) and honeybadger (Node.js). Today I released @honeybadger-io/js—th...
Here’s our latest product at Honeybadger: Hook Relay. It’s sort of like Postmark, but for webhook deliveries instead of email. • We built Hook Relay to send webhooks to our own customers—we wanted ...
I started 🎙 FounderQuest with Honeybadger co-founders Ben Curtis and Starr Horne. Each week we discuss what's going on in our world of business, tech, bootstrapping, and general nerdery. https://ww...
Ben Curtis and I joined Alex Vazquez, Chris Coyier, and Tim Sabat on CodePen Radio to talk about our journey as co-founders of Honeybadger. “We’re chatting with Josh and Ben from Honeybadger, a ser...
I joined Courtland Allen on the Indie Hackers podcast to discuss my journey from freelance developer to self-funded SaaS founder. “Josh Wood is living an indie hacker dream: from freelance develope...